Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Somebody Needs an Acquaintance Party Here

Tonight, we'll be having a feast because... I AM HERE!!!!

After how many months of making this blog wait, I finally posted something (that is already an achievement for me). So, basically, I made this blog to satisfy my fangirl side - to translate all the fandom feelings I have to texts and pictures, to be able to fangirl with other fangirls because of the faces of celebrities, and to rant about my very interesting and very eventful life (Note: I am a very sarcastic person). Expect vulgar words and slurred texts from me. Also, I think I was born in the wrong country because omfg, it sucks here in the Philippines. The Internet is my only source of fandom news. If you'll be so kind as to share your resources to this underprivileged woman.

Please help this peasant in her blogger life for she is very awkward and will not survive on her own (nuks).

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