Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fandoms (TV Show): Doctor Who

Doctor Who is about a Time Lord, called The Doctor, who travels in time using his time-travelling spaceship called the TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space), which is disguised as a blue police box. The Doctor, who originated from the planet Gallifrey, can regenerate, which allows him to change his physical appearance and personality if ever he is mortally wounded or if he is so old already; however, he can only regenerate 12 times. Currently, there are eleven doctors.

From left to right: First to eleventh doctor

TARDIS (Trust me, it's bigger on the inside)

Along with his COMPANIONS (human beings whom he met and who at least asked the question 'doctor who?' once who accompany him in his adventures), he fights different alien species, usually by outwitting them rather than using violence against them, to save civilizations, fixes whatever is wrong with the universe and time, and helps species in the universe in solving their problems.

Top 10 Doctor Who Enemies
For more information, click HERE

Nobody knows the real name of the doctor; in fact, "The Doctor's real name is the biggest mystery of the series, which has been ongoing since it began in 1963 (Spacephantom 2008)." 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Minimalist Sherlock T-Shirt Designs

Are you a Sherlockian and proud of it? Then you need to tell the world about it by having a tee with a minimalist but super cool design related to Sherlock. Here are some:

by: rhaneysaurus
by: devinleighbee
by: PineappleGear
by: greenfinch

Yeeaaaah. Aren't they awesome?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fandoms (TV Show): Supernatural

Basically, Supernatural is about two brothers/hunters/men of letters, Sam and Dean Winchester, who save people and hunt supernatural things (demons, ghosts, vampires, shapeshifters, zombies, etc.). These brothers have already traveled through time and went to hell, heaven, and purgatory. Later on, they had a new company who is an angel, Castiel, and he helps them in their hunting and saved their asses many times, especially when they're up against big deal creatures like angels, demons, leviathans (ancient creatures trapped forever in the purgatory), or gods. Supernatural is the only show where you want to stab an angel a million times (I'm talking about Naomi here) and cry over the death of a demon (omfg, Meg, why must you leave us).

From left to right: Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki), Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles),
and Castiel (Misha Collins)

If you're looking for an interesting and funny show, then you should watch Supernatural, which is already on its 8th glorious, glorious season. Watching Supernatural will not only provide you entertainment; it will also give you knowledge about supernatural stuff and how to gank them if ever they show up on your doorstep (GET THE SALT!). It also allows you to see the glorious faces of the actors and actresses weekly (Jensen's mine). Good luck with catching up! Expect awesome, heart-breaking and hyperventilating moments.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Somebody Needs an Acquaintance Party Here

Tonight, we'll be having a feast because... I AM HERE!!!!

After how many months of making this blog wait, I finally posted something (that is already an achievement for me). So, basically, I made this blog to satisfy my fangirl side - to translate all the fandom feelings I have to texts and pictures, to be able to fangirl with other fangirls because of the faces of celebrities, and to rant about my very interesting and very eventful life (Note: I am a very sarcastic person). Expect vulgar words and slurred texts from me. Also, I think I was born in the wrong country because omfg, it sucks here in the Philippines. The Internet is my only source of fandom news. If you'll be so kind as to share your resources to this underprivileged woman.

Please help this peasant in her blogger life for she is very awkward and will not survive on her own (nuks).